Sierra Leone to deploy one battalion force to Somalia The Republic of Sierra Leone Armed forces sent one battalion to Somalia, the largest-ever deployment of its troops since their civil war. After that civil war that was going on… 1 min read
1 min read Somalia: The United States condemns terrorist attack against Villa Somalia The United States strongly condemns the terrorist attack against Villa Somalia, the headquarters and residence of several Somali government officials in Mogadishu. We offer our condolences to the victims and…
1 min read Over 10 people died in deadly inter-clan clash in Hiran region Over 10 people died and scores wounded after clan clashes embarked in Defow locality in the outskirts of Beledweyne, the headquarters of Hiran region.This recent clan clash is attributed to…
2 mins read Dowlada Soomaaliya oo ka hadashay Eedeynta ku aadan in Xarakada Al-Shabaab Hub ka iibiyeen Taliyaha Ciidamada xooga dalka Soomaaliya Jen. Dahir Aadan Cilmi (Indha-Qarshe) oo la hadlay Idaacada VOA ayaa beeniyay eedeyn uga timid Gudiga Cunaqabateynta Hubka Qaramada Midoobey ee Soomaaliya iyo Eritrea .…